

Streamline cash management to reduce costs and risks

With increasing overheads, a consolidating competitive landscape and an increasing need to focus on customer experience, rethinking your cash management practices for your merchandise stores with Deposita offers you an opportunity to drive out cost and risk across your entire cash ecosystem, freeing up time and working capital for more value adding activities.

Your Challenges

Deposita works relentlessly to understand our client’s businesses. Our goal is to build solutions that truly address the challenges they face.

Some challenges you might be facing, that we’ve recognized and addressed from our extensive work with clients in the Merchandise sector include:

  • Adapting to changing consumer behavior, acutely impacted by a shift to multi-channel buying 
  • Rising operational costs in a competitive and changing landscape
  • Optimizing in-store labor while also supporting crucial cash management processes
  • Determining how to avoid overloading stores with excessive funds due to lack of visibility and controls
  • Effectively managing the performance of CIT providers
  • Realizing the benefits of SCOs without taking on new, cumbersome back-office management processes
  • Transitioning to a modern cash management process which includes the increased introduction of self pay solutions for your customers
  • A lack of visibility across your end-to-end cash operations given disjointed systems and siloed data
  • Ensuring that changes made within cash handling processes align to positively impact other stakeholders within your organization
  • Facilitating data-driven decision making
  • Identifying and minimizing opportunities for cash leakage
  • Managing competing demands, balancing administration with improving the customer experience.

Transforming Your Entire Cash Ecosystem

At Deposita, we work in partnership with our client’s teams to design a solution that will address your challenges head-on, achieve your desired goals and ensure the best possible return on your investment.

Our experience naturally finds us thinking in terms of your entire cash ecosystem. We find that by focusing on the interdependencies across your cash ecosystem, as opposed to just one part, the returns can be significantly higher. And often with little extra effort on your part.

We’ve developed the ‘building blocks’ of our solution with this in mind and have ‘enablers’ underpinning all of them to make sure these building blocks are as impactful as possible, and that your teams are supported every step of the way.


Graphic with an overview of the KOYUS system


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unlock new business benefit

Our benefits realization approach, powered by KOYUS®, is designed to help our clients maximize their return on investment in the areas of:

Ready to Connect?

We recognize every organization is unique. That’s why our approach is consultative and our solutions are tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to explore how we can work together to achieve your goals.